Salted Caramel Panna Cotta

I am ending the week with some smooth Salted Caramel Panna Cotta. Panna Cotta is one of my go to dessert! It’s uncomplicated to prepare and you can play with as many essences as you liked. It does take some time to set so you certainly need to plan in advance. I had a small jar of salted caramel that needed to be used and Panna Cotta was the first thing that came in my mind. Glossy, smooth, wobbly and yet holding its shape flawlessly. It’s an indulgence you will love.

Panna Cotta can sometimes turn out little dense and rich but not wobbly enough. Still tasty. This particular recipe makes the perfect wobbly texture. It comes out of the mold very easily and the texture is ultra-smooth, melting in mouth.

Salted Caramel Panna Cotta | Playful Cooking #caramel #pannacotta #eggless #foodphotography #foodstyling #dessert

Salted Caramel Panna Cotta is not excessively sweet and requires just 5 ingredients:

I also make a tiny portion of the sesame brittle which gave a pleasant bite to the velvety panna cotta.

Sesame Brittle | Playful Cooking #caramel #pannacotta #eggless #foodphotography #foodstyling #dessert

Steps for the Salted Panna Cotta

Salted Caramel Panna Cotta | Playful Cooking #caramel #pannacotta #eggless #foodphotography #foodstyling #dessert

As you can see it’s one of the easiest desserts to prepare. Here are few other Panna Cotta Recipes to try.

Yogurt Honey Panna Cotta

Mango Panna Cotta

For the sesame brittle, I separately caramelized ½ cup sugar and added the sesame seeds to it. Then spread on parchment paper and let it set. It should snap easily once set.

Salted Caramel Panna Cotta | Playful Cooking #caramel #pannacotta #eggless #foodphotography #foodstyling #dessert

Is Panna Cotta Same and Flan or Egg Free Flan?

NO! Both are different kind of dessert but looks similar.

Flan is egg based custard that also uses gelatin, but the custard is baked. When you remove the egg, you cannot call it flan anymore.

Here is a recipe of EASY Flan / Creme Caramel if you want to try.

Panna Cotta is an Italian dessert that doesn’t call for eggs. The base is heavy cream, evaporated milk or condensed milk that is mixed with gelatin to set. It is not baked.

The result of both the Flan and Panna Cotta should be smooth, and creamy. Flan does taste rich because of the use of egg in it.

Here is a link to a plastic panna cotta mold with lid that you can use.

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