The Best Way to Answer “What kind of job are you looking for?”

The Best Way to Answer “What kind of job are you looking for?”

Working in recruiting and resume writing, I talk with lots of people looking for jobs. Often my first question is “What kind of job are you looking for?”, and let me tell you, I get some pretty terrible answers. My biggest pet peeve is when people respond with “well, anything.” I understand that money and jobs are what pay the bills, and there comes a sort of desperation with being jobless, (I’ve been there too) however there is an art to answering such a loaded question. Thus, I wanted to share with you the best way to answer “What kind of job are you looking for?”

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A general rule of thumb is that if someone continues to ask you various questions about a topic, they are curious about your answer and trying to get more information from you. For instance, when I ask someone “What kind of job are you looking for??”, and they reply with “anything,” my follow up questions will generally look something like this:

If you give the “anything” answer and someone continues to ask you questions like these, please do not continue to answer with “I’ve done everything,” or “I’m open to anything.” If you do continue to provide open ended answers like these, all you are doing is cutting yourself off from job opportunities because your answers show lack of thought, enthusiasm, and creativity.

The best way to answer “What kind of job are you looking for?” is by giving facts and examples.

You can still be open to anything, but a better way to phrase it is something like this:

By giving direct examples of your past jobs and skills, you are giving the recruiter a better picture of where to place you. You can still be open to anything, but showing your strengths massively helps you achieve the position you desire. Placing an introvert in a sales position or placing an extrovert in the back office to file paperwork all day probably would not be the best idea, and recruiters/hiring managers can usually tell where someone will fit best, however if you don’t give them some information to work with, there is only so much they can do.

Show your interviewer/recruiter that you are worth the job opportunity and that you are enthusiastic about starting whatever job that may be. Similarly, if you aren’t on an interview, but happen to be speaking with someone who has connections in your industry, show them that you care, and you are someone they can recommend. The biggest fear most people have about recommending a friend or colleague for a position is that the person will fall short and this will reflect badly on their recommendation . Showing that you are motivated and have done your research will always get you far.

Still feel like you need an extra push towards the career of your dreams? Make sure your resume is effectively highlighting your skills and achievements. Reach out to me directly at [email protected] and let’s discuss how I can help you!

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